100 Year Lifestyle Chiropractor in Kingston, WA 98346


Under New Management

Have you ever seen a sign on a business, “Under New Management?” What comes to mind?

Usually it is thoughts of hope, new infusion of energy and resources. Or if the old management wasn’t working, better business, excitement, new people, new systems, new products,  new ideas… something new and better in a nutshell.

It is interesting to see what is new and better with the new management especially if it is a business you have used or visited in the past.

Evaluating Your Management

Now is a great time to ask yourself “How effective was I managing myself this past year?” In the arena of physical health, are you healthier now than last year or worse? Is your weight up, the same, or down? Is your blood pressure higher or lower? What did your lab results look like? How is your energy? How are you sleeping? What is your exercise frequency or at all? How do you feel?

Did you manage yourself well or are you worse off? You may have made New Year’s Resolutions about things you know you needed to change. How did that work out?

Do you need to be under new management? While you can hire advisors such as chiropractors, personal trainers, nutritionists and life coaches, the only one who can manage you is you. What you really need is a new mindset. This mindset has to be the overriding factor of what you are committed to and plan to accomplish for yourself, your health, and your life.

My Health: Under New Management

Brutal facts will help you manage your health. People are living longer whether they want to or not. Centenarians, people over 100, are the fastest growing population in the US. The current aging population was blindsided by longevity and now has become the nursing home generation. Chronic illness, obesity, and health care costs are rising. The current “health care” system is not working. Something has to change.

Luckily, you can make the change. You can live The 100 Year Lifestyle each and every day and avoid 70 to 90% of the problems people seek care for by changing your lifestyle.

Here is how to be under new management:
1. Exercise 4 to 6 times per week with endurance exercise, strengthening exercise and stretching. Start off with a few minutes each time if exercise has not been part of your life lately. You can increase your exercise time and frequency as you reach plateaus.
2. Eat for quality not quantity. A new menu is often part of new management. Be creative!
3. Get proper rest. Sticking to your new management goals is easier when you’ve given yourself time to rejuvenate mentally and physically.
4. Protect your spine and nervous system by removing interference to the flow of information between your brain and body.

Our office can help you with your new management. Chiropractors have been helping people regain, retain and optimize their health for over 125 years. Management of your future health can be optimized by seeking care from us to help you live your ideal 100 Year Lifestyle.

Introducing the New Management – YOU!

Contributed by Dr. Dennis Buckley – The 100 Year Lifestyle Licensed Affiliate Chiropractor in Pasadena, CA

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