100 Year Lifestyle Chiropractor in Kingston, WA 98346


Health and Life Expectancy Comparison by Country

When it comes to health and longevity, it’s valuable to compare countries and systems so that you can make choices for your family on how you want to live.

Health System Tracker 2016 says that Japan has the greatest life expectancy at 84.1 years and the United States has one of the lowest at 78.6 years. Given the data, a clear distinction in health exists between the US and other comparable countries and it is time to start noticing and reverse the trend!

The American Way

In 1980, the US life expectancy was similar to other comparable countries. So what has happened since then? According to Health System Tracker, contributing factors to life expectancy include “quality of care, access to preventive health services, and lifestyle, diet, violence, and accidents.” Prior to 1980, all of these factors were different. And most importantly, there have been radical policy changes that are not working and are contributing to the decline.

The United States now falls extremely short in nearly all aspects of health and wellness. Consider the following:

  • “The US has the very highest infant mortality rate of all industrialized countries, with more American children dying at birth than in any other comparable nation, those who survive develop at least one chronic illness.”
  • The US administers 22 vaccine doses within the FIRST YEAR OF LIFE. “No other developed country administers as many vaccine doses in the first two years of life.”
  • “The US has the lowest life expectancy at birth among comparable countries.”
  • According to the CDC, life expectancy is considered to have dropped significantly due to a rise in deaths among younger age groups, with drug overdoses as a leading cause, representing a 36% increased rate since 2014!
  • The US autism rate is 1 in 59, this is a 15% increase from the previous two years (1 in 68, an already unacceptable number)
  • Inadequate health insurance coverage, described by International Healthcare System Profiles as, “fragmented,” “wide gaps in rates,” with 67.2% paying for private coverage
  • In 1983, the vaccine schedule included 24 doses of 7 vaccines by the age of 18. Today, that number has nearly tripled to 69 doses of 16 vaccines by age 18.
  • Pharmaceutical companies have spent hundreds of billions of dollars advertising directly to consumers since the 1980s

Is it any wonder why we have a low life expectancy, overwhelming rates of chronic disease, and consistently rising rates of childhood neurological diseases such as autism and ADHD? We are injecting high doses of neurotoxins into our children starting on the first day of life. The United States is one of the only countries instantly delivering hepatitis B vaccines to newborns in moms who do not even carry the disease. In fact, according to the Children’s Health Defense, 99.9% percent of women test negative for hepatitis B.

“We know that how we live now will impact how we age!”

The Japanese Way

Let’s look at Japan, who is a comparable country to the United States, yet has the greatest life expectancy:

  • In 1994, Japan began to steer away from mandatory vaccination when they recognized an increase in injuries, including a ban on MMR after a 2,000x increase in injury rates was seen over a 4 year period.

    The 100 Year Lifestyle by Eric Plasker in Japanese
  • Currently offer recommended “routine” vaccines and “voluntary” vaccines, which must be paid out of pocket. There is no mandatory requirement for vaccination to enter pre-school or elementary school.
  • Least vaccinated children of any developed country
  • Considered to have the healthiest children and longest life expectancy in the world
  • Does not administer hepatitis B vaccine (unless mother tests positive), Tdap, or flu shots during pregnancy or to infants 6-months-old or younger
  • Universal healthcare coverage with preventive care such as screenings, health education, and counseling as covered costs

It is common to think that aging is a dreadful process, however, we know that how we live now will impact how we age, and we can choose how we want to get there. This might be hard to believe given that nursing homes and long-term care facilities are now the norm and are popping up on every corner. According to Time Magazine, “47% of men and 58% of women who are retirement age or older will experience a need for long-term care in the future.” In addition, there are 4,000 hospice care agencies which are a “$20 billion business that served 1.4 million Medicare patients in 2015.”

So how do we avoid many of the traditional maladies of growing old? Live a quality life starting today and take care of your body, mind and by keeping your brain, spine and nervous system functioning at full capacity. Begin to question the outside-in approaches such as vaccines and drugs embrace a more inside out health philosophy. More people in Japan are flourishing with many of the 100 Year Lifestyle principles as a part of their culture.

It’s time for a new approach for you and your family. Find a provider near you.


References and resources:

*The National Vaccine Information Center and The Highwire with Del Bigtree are great resources for those concerned with the important truths related to vaccine policy and injury.

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